As Roger Corman's 'entertainment' films are just as important as his serious ones, and the director Ed Wood Jr is more famous than many of his talented peers, I think there is something to be said for the dash-off, the pot-boiler. A book that is fun to write and, perhaps, read. A vernacular, unsophisticated book.
Not much is known of Barbara Jones, an artist and writer who influenced many other artists and writers. Her wonderful book The Unsophisticated Arts is a real breath of fresh air against the sometimes too-precious and stultified World of Art. She puts across in one paragraph the attraction of fictional horror, not the modern, nasty, gratuitously-violent stuff, but the more intellectual, eerily beautiful yet shocking worlds of It Follows and The Babadook, films which are the offspring of Rod Serling's original The Twilight Zone (1959-1964).
